Monday @ Montpelier: June 24

The atrium is in transition!

Though the picture (above right) is merely a “first pass” at a new space arrangement, know that the atrium is getting a make-over this summer for several reasons; including (though not limited to):

  1. We are incorporating new materials and need shelf space for them

  2. We are addressing practical issues, one of which was a discrepancy between shelf width and tray sizes. By better matching these sizes, we’re hoping to mitigate accidental spills!

  3. Due to the growth we experienced over the past year, we now host Levels 1 and 2 at different times. No longer combining them, we don’t need the space broken into sections anymore, so we can open it up for more individual work space!

  4. We want to be prepared to serve a broader community of children by making our space more accessible to the differently-abled

Change =
Awareness of New Needs

As we spend regular time in the atrium with the kids, we gather valuable information about what is and is not working for them in the space. Sometimes this leads to a need for change.

The biggest need that we have become aware of this summer is for individual work spaces rather than communal ones. To date, we have used child-sized tables that can seat two or more. But in order to make space for new works in the atrium, and to encourage more focus for the children as they work, we need to remove these small tables and transition to rugs and floor tables for creating moveable, individual work spaces.

We already have small rugs that we will be incorporating more this year, but we also need a few tables for works that require a steady surface, such as water, tracing, or drawing.

After doing some research, we’ve decided that these 9” stackable floor tables will be best for our space—they can be stored efficiently and are light and manuverable enough for the kids to gather and restore on their own.  No surprise, but these are expensive. As we receive additional donations, we will work to purchase these one at a time as able. If you would like to donate money for one of these needed items, you can give through our Gofundme, or perhaps you would like to sponsor a particular child you love who attends our atrium by purchasing a table for them/in their honor.

Miraculous Generosity

I could never say this enough, but we have been, and continue to be, humbled by the incredible generosity of our community and the hilarious miracles through which God has provided for the atrium. Though we are always asking for continued giving to make as many materials as possible available to these children:

What has been provided is already doing a good work in the lives of these tender spiritual beings.

Each work is based on scripture, and we know from Isaiah 55:11 that

“…my word that goes out from my mouth:
    It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
    and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

It is powerful, and the riches that can be mined from even a single verse are endless. Therefore, the children will never reach the end of what can be gleaned from the works already available to them.

This should be both a comfort to us who care so deeply about their spiritual formation and simultaneously a motivation to continue to expand the wealth available to them. We cannot predict which of the works will resonant most deeply with the children at any given time because each work addresses a different need for a child’s various life experiences and seasons, in the same way that scripture and liturgy do for us adults throughout our walk with Jesus.

Let us continue to be faithful to build this work, our time and money a worthy sacrifice of love for these children and the future generations that will be impacted by their lives in ways we could not begin to imagine.


Testing, testing


Monday @ Montpelier: June 17